Monday 1 June 2009

So much wool, so little time!

I think I have a problem! I can't stop buying wool, I just can't help myself! My stash box is full to the brim (well more than full to the brim since I bought those 400g balls!) and yet I go out looking for more!! I have projects upon projects waiting to be started. In my defence if wool is on sale then really it would be stupid NOT to get it - take for instance my alpaca wool - no I have no idea what I am going to use it for but it is alpaca, it is soft, it is cream and I got it for £21 instead of around £70 - in this current economic crisis I think that was a rather sensible move! Still I need t find some inspiration to sit and actually knit these things!

I have currently (though temporarily) had to stop attending stitch and bitch due to a clash in my diary - it's a real pain but unavoidable at the minute and I am really missing it! It is going to be August at least before I am able to attend again!

Right I am off to pick up the needles and sit in the sun - I am making the most of my days off since there are very few windows at work!!!